Dear colleagues.

We are pleased to announce the IV Workshop:

CHEMICAL ABUNDANCES IN GASEOUS NEBULAE: Multi-Scale Metals Throughout the Universe.

A workshop in honor to Jose Manuel Vilchez

This workshop will take place during the week 06 - 10 May 2024 and will be held at Universidade do Vale do Paraiba, Sao Jose dos Campos, Brazil.

The purpose of this workshop is to bring together scientists and students to share our knowledge and collaboratively discuss crucial issues related to the chemical abundances in gaseous nebulae. The workshop will cover all major theoretical and observational aspects of the study of chemical abundance in HII regions, Active Galactic Nuclei and Planetary Nebulae. For five days, extensive discussions about specific issues in several areas covered by the workshop will be provided. Also, implications of several recent surveys and telescopes to chemical abundance studies will be discussed.


The determination of the abundance of heavy elements (e.g. O, N, S, Ar) in gaseous nebulae provide crucial information to study the history of star formation and chemical enrichment of galaxies and of the Universe. Despite recent spectroscopic observations and surveys (CALIFA, SDSS, MaNGA, MUSE, and CHAOS, to cite a few) have provided significant advances in the knowledge of the chemical compositions of gaseous nebulae and their host galaxies, but some key aspects in the study of these objects remain ill-defined.

In particular, the abundance discrepancy problem in HII regions and planetary nebulae, generally interpreted as caused by the presence of temperature fluctuations, puts under scrutiny the nebular abundance scale of the Milky Way and extragalactic objects. Moreover, the determination chemical abundances and ionisation correction factors, both local and at high-redshift, still suffer strong dependences on the photoionization conditions and on the different methods and models used for the analysis.

This 5-days workshop aims at bringing together scientists and students to extensively discuss about the crucial questions on chemical abundances in gaseous nebulae, the recent progress in the field and how next generation observing facilities (such as the James Webb Space Telescope and Extremely Large Telescopes) will enable major steps forward in this area of research.


Bethan James (STScI, USA)
Oli Dors (UNIVAP, BR)

Angela Krabbe (USP, BR)
Danielle Berg (UT, USA)
Emma Curtis-Lake (UH, UK)
Guillermo Hagele (UNLP, AR)
Kathryn Kreckel (ARI, DE)
Mitchell Revalski (STScI, USA)
Monica Cardaci (UNLP, AR)
Ricardo Amorin (ULS, CL)
Ryan Sanders (UCLA, USA)
Stephane Charlot (IAP, France)
Sophia Flury (UMASS, USA)

Angela Krabbe (USP, BR)
Celso Benedito de Oliveira Junior (UNIVAP, BR)
Gleicy Caroline de Almeida (UNIVAP, BR)
Guillermo Hagele (UNLP, AR)
Istenio Nunes de Morais (UNIVAP, BR)
Monica Cardaci (UNLP, AR)
Oli Dors (UNIVAP, BR)


Anna Feltre (INAF, IT)
Polychronis Papaderos (UP, PT)

Alex Cameron (Oxon, UK)
Annalisa De Cia (ESO, DE)
Carolina Kehrig (IAA, ES)
Deanne Fisher (SUT, AU)
Emma Curtis-Lake (UH, UK)
Enrique Perez-Montero (IAA, ES)
Jose Eduardo Mendez Delgado (ARI, DE)
Juan Fernendez Ontiveros (CEFCA, ES)
Julia Roman-Duval (STScI, USA)
Karla Arellano-Cordova (UOE, UK)
Mirko Curti (ESO)


Event: From 06 to 10 May 2024
Registration date: From 23 November
to 12 January 2024
SOC decision: 15 February 2024
Fee: 100 US$
(Payment after the abstract acceptance)


This workshop will be held at Univap - Universidade do Vale do Paraiba, Sao Jose dos Campos, Brazil.

The nearest (~80 km) airport to São José dos Campos (SJC) is the one in Guarulhos city:

There are many buses from Guarullhos to SJC, with the departure at the airport.

Please, see. Click here.





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