Doctorate in Urban and Regional Planning

About the course

In this doctoral proposal, the program establishes two levels of deepening, depending on its area of ​​concentration: in the master's degree, it seeks to provide a knowledge base for the construction/learning on the subject; at another level, in the doctorate, a foundation for theorizing in Urban and Regional Planning is proposed.

Its focus is on critical reflection on the process of production of urban and regional space in contemporary society, centered on the scope of applied social sciences with interfaces with the areas of knowledge of exact and technological sciences, as well as biological sciences and the humanities, which the professors of this program come from.


The Stricto Sensu Graduate Program in Urban and Regional Planning at Univap has as its general objectives the promotion of sciences aimed at: (1) investigations, (2) education understood as teaching and training of researchers and (3) socialization of knowledge deployed to the advancement of social development.

These three scientific fields are linked to knowledge about the social production of space and the environment and the urban and regional planning processes of contemporary society with a view to building its future in an intentional way committed to social justice. It seeks to contribute to the development of studies and planning strategies, at urban and regional scales, through interdisciplinary analytical approaches that allow understanding the socio-spatial dynamics, related to political, cultural, economic and physical-territorial variables.

Credits for Degree
Research Line
Curricular Structure


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